
Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: Theory and practice

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Titel:      Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: Theory and practice
Kategorie:      KINDLE
BuchID:      2212
Autor:      Darya Zavgorodnyaya
ISBN-10(13):      ASIN: B07SQC2W2S
Verlag:      Cuvillier Verlag
Publikationsdatum:      01/2007
Seitenanzahl:      206
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
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The establishment of Water Users’ Associations (WUAs) in Uzbekistan is the most important and an integral step in the reforms under the irrigation management transfer programs which are currently underway in the country. Although WUAs have gained importance, there have been no studies about the factors of their functioning. The objectives of the research presented are: (1), to determine the factors which influence the success or failure of the emerging local water management organizations (the WUAs) and, (2), to investigate the possible roles of pilot WUAs. Four established WUAs in Khorezm and four pilot projects in Syrdarya and Fergana Valley were selected for the research. By 2004 the average irrigated area of the WUAs in Khorezm was 2 400ha, and the average number of WUA members was 143 irrigators.

The range of the irrigated land of WUAs in Khorezm varies from 1 232ha (in Pitnayk) to 4 096ha (in Gurlen). The minimum number of WUA members (45 farmers) was observed in Pitnayk, the maximum in Shavat, where one WUA includes 240 farmers. The research approach was based on modern methods of sociological empirical research, atypical and new for Uzbekistan, which directs the water users to problem-solving through their own strength and participation.

The methods also include one standardized questionnaire which was presented to 89 WUA members in Khorezm, 20 in Syrdarya and 21 in Fergana. The expected outputs were guided by and concentrated on three topics that are essential for the functioning of WUAs in Uzbekistan: (1) leadership, (2) conflict resolution mechanisms, and (3) users’ fee payments. The role of the WUA Chairman is essential not only for the overall execution and guidance of work, but also for conflict resolution and the activities related with water rotation. Apart from the Chairman, the Water Master was mentioned as another authority responsible for the issues of water rotation.

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