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Flora of the Silk Road

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Titel:      Flora of the Silk Road
Kategorie:      Seidenstrasse
BuchID:      1015
Autor:      Basak Gardner, Chris Gardner
ISBN-10(13):      978-1780769417
Verlag:      I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd
Publikationsdatum:      12/2014
Seitenanzahl:      416
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

The Complete Illustrated Guide

The Silk Road – a name that has enchanted for centuries. Yet a well kept secret, even today, is that this fabled route linking Europe with Asia is also the most spectacular floral region on earth. Chris and Basak Gardner offer a unique pictorial celebration of the plants and scenery to be found along its 5,000 miles. Embracing Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Central Asia and China, more than five hundred of the finest wild flowers are depicted together with the beautiful landscapes in which these botanical paradises are found. With an accompanying text giving descriptions of the species, plant families and their distribution, as well as information on photographing plants in the wild, this unique book will amaze and delight not only those with an interest in the spectacular and legendary landscapes that form the Silk Road but also plantsmen and horticulturalists worldwide.

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