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AZERNEWS, which reports about Azerbaijan and the entire Caspian region

Istiglaliyyat str. 47, 5th floor , AZ1000, Baku

Tel.: +994-12 -4975688
Typ: Presse & TV
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We cover trends and developments in all major sectors of the Azerbaijani economy, including real estate, telecommunications, construction, finance, banking, tourism, industry, and energy, and are one of the most comprehensive online newspapers available in our country.

AZERNEWS subscribers and business partners include BP, Statoil, Devon Energy, Turkish Petroleum, Itochu, KCA Deutag, Radisson SAS and Park Inn Hotels, Europe Hotel, as well as US, British, German, Norwegian, Turkish, Japanese, Egyptian, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani and many other embassies accredited in Azerbaijan, just to name a few.

AZERNEWS is a broad-sheet publication with a print-run of 12,000 copies. The newspaper is published on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The paper distributes its print version through Newspaper Direct international system.

AZERNEWS is an associate member of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and cooperates with Project Syndicate.

AZERNEWS has received the national award "Company of the Year" in the "Print Media" nomination.

AZERNEWS was awarded a diploma by the National Press Council on its 15th jubilee in 2012.


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Bundesweite Notfallnummern

Polizei / Notruf 110
Feuerwehr / Rettungsdienst 112
Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst 116 117
Verband Deutscher Druckkammerzentren e.V. 0800 000 488 1
Telefonseelsorge 0800 111 0 111, 0800 111 0 222
Hilfetelefon Schwangere in Not - anonym und sicher 0800 40 40 020
Kinder- und Jugendtelefon 116 111
Sperr-Notruf (Karten & elektronische Berechtigungen) 116 116
Behördenruf 115
Elterntelefon 0800 111 0550