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  • Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan

Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan

Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences

Ul. Acad. Yakhyou Guljamowa, 70 , 100047, Tashkent

Tel.: +998 71/233-68-47 Fax: +998 71/233-74-82
Typ: Akademie
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Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan gained independence in 1991 that was the most important event in life of the country, which opened a new stage in its historical development. In accordance with the 1992 Constitution, with a strong commitment to the provisions and conclusions contained in writings and speeches of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Academician Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, the country wages the course of development on the basis of full-scale consolidation of its sovereignty and qualitative renewal of all spheres of political, economic, social, cultural and spiritual life of the people.

The Academy of Sciences consists of 28 research institutions and 4 State museums which are organized into three organizational complex according to scientific areas:
physical and mathematical sciences and engineering;
chemical and biological sciences and earth sciences;
social and human sciences; and two Regional Departments - Karakalpak Departmentand Khorezm Mamun Academy.
Currently, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan accounts for more than 4793 scientific staff members, including over 2200 scientific workers, 73 Academicians, 281 Doctors and 745 candidates of Science.

To date, Academics and other leading scientists of the Academy of Sciences conduct their activities in various fields of science and education. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan is actively involved in international cooperation, scientific contacts are established and joint research is conducted with research organizations, scientific societies, institutions and universities of more than 40 countries of the world.

Bilateral agreements on cooperation were concluded with the Royal Society of Great Britain, Russian Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Belorussia, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt, and the academies of sciences of other countries. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the founders of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (MAAN or IAAS), the membership of which includes the national academies of 15 countries. In order to enhance the scientific and technical cooperation, to introduce in the process the latest technologies created by Uzbek scientists, as well as to realize practical application of research and development projects, the Academy of Sciences established a close cooperation with such well-known foreign firms and companies as "Telecom" (Malaysia), "Sandoz-Agro" ( Switzerland), "Latoksan" (France), "EN Technology Incorporation" (Korea), "Chemotrade GmbH" (Germany) and others. Scientific institutions of AS RUz concluded 26 international agreements on bilateral scientific and scientific-technical cooperation.

About Academy of Sciences | Scientific cooperation | History Uzbek science

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