Registan (novel)

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Titel:      Registan (novel)
Kategorie:      Roman
BuchID:      1367
Autor:      Shahzoda Samarkandi Nazarova
ISBN-10(13):      978-9492675040
Verlag:      Red Intellect
Publikationsdatum:      04/2018
Seitenanzahl:      308
Sprache:      Nicht spezifiziert
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]


Central Asian Literature (Tadschikisch)

Shahzoda Nazarova Samarkandi is an award winning Central Asian author, whose literary works and articles are widely read within the Persian speaking audience. She is one of the promising authors of Samarkand in recent years. Registan is her third novel, a heart braking story of a young Tajik girl, who is searching for her new identity, while dealing with the local police and national security forces and a triangular love affair, that stops her from leaving her country.

Other books by this writer: Stockholm Syndrome (2007) Motherland (2010) Awards and Recognitions: Shortlisted for The Warwick Women in Translation Literary Award in June 2018 (Warwick Women in Translation Literary Award, UK) “Stockholm Syndrome’ is … the most beautiful book written in Persian language out of the country. A powerful woman’s voice. A painful story that you want to read it. This book is necessary to be read by everybody. (Kader Abdollah, Iranian Dutch writer) Featured in BBC Persian’s “100 Most Influential Women” (BBC Persian, UK) Winner of the Best Female Author award in 2016 (Eurasian Literary Book Festival in London, UK) (Eurasian Literary Guild) “Motherland” and “Registan” ‘… the highest picks of prose in contemporary Tajik literature in recent years. (RFE/RL, Prague) Stockholm Syndrome was called ‘taboo-breaking… revolutionary” (RFE/RL) 

“… one of the most controversial books to emerge from Tajik society in recent years” 

“shocked this traditional and conservative society” (Open Eurasian Literary Festival and Book Forum, UK) “A remembrance of childhood and rumination upon challenges present and future, Nazarova’s work explores themes of immigration, identity and mental imbalance. Acclaimed as ‘ahead of its time’ by Persian reviewers, Stockholm Syndrome is an emotional tour de force” (Stephen Bland, writer and translator, UK) 

 Novel “Motherland” top five best seller in 2015 in Persian language. (H&S Media, London, UK) … Motherland of Shahzoda Nazarova gives full insight of the cotton monopoly and it’s tragedies during the USSR through an artistic glance and poetic language. (Nasim Khaksaar, Iranian-Dutch writer) “Motherland” is symbolically deep and multi layered psychologically powerful art work. (Azita Ghahraman, poet, translator, Sweden) One of the highest picks of Tajik contemporary prose. (Salim Ayubzad, Tajik writer, Prague) (Stockholm Syndrome) engaging and unifying (Ebrahem Golistan, Iranian writer, filmmaker,UK) … yet another revolutionary spirit as Forogh Farokhzad of Iran. (Khiraman Baghazadeh, RFE RL, Tajikistan, Prague) Red Intellect, Holland 2018

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