The Changing Geography of Asia

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Titel:      The Changing Geography of Asia
Kategorie:      Wirtschaft
BuchID:      2484
Autor:      Graham P. Chapman, Kathleen M. Baker
ISBN-10(13):      978-0415057080
Verlag:      Routledge
Publikationsdatum:      02/1992
Seitenanzahl:      284
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

Clearly illustrated with basic maps, this book presents a systematic review of twenty-five years of development, covering the physical, economic, social and political environments of contemporary Asia.

Ranging from the poverty and exploding population of Bangladesh to the dazzling technology and ageing population of Japan, from the two most populous states of India and China to the tiny states of Singapore and the Maldives and to the emptiness of Siberia, Asia contains the greatest diversity of physical environments, cultures and levels of development of any of the continents. Clearly illustrated with basic maps of the countries presents a systematic review of twenty-five years of development, covering the physical, economic, social and political environments of contemporary Asia.

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