Brilliant Biruni: An Ancient Beautiful Mind

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Titel:      Brilliant Biruni: An Ancient Beautiful Mind
Kategorie:      Al-Biruni
BuchID:      2026
Autor:      Dr. M. Kamiar , Dr. Arne Seifert
ISBN-10(13):      979-8564892926
Verlag:      Independently published
Publikationsdatum:      11/2020
Seitenanzahl:      215
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

A Life Story of Abu Rayhan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Biruni (973-1053 CE)

Abu Rayhan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Biruni (973-1053) was an Iranian scholar whose extraordinary achievements included measuring the height Mount Everest, calculating the radius of our planet, and predicting the existence of landmasses (N. and S. America) on the other side of the Earth when Europe still was in its Dark Ages and before Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. This is a historical biography of a slave boy who became Ostad Biruni. From his boyhood home village of Vasemereed in Central Asia to his final resting place in the city of Ghazna, Afghanistan, the book documents and describes the life of this significant geographer, prolific author, and a groundbreaking scientist who brightened the dark skies of the dark Middle Ages. It sheds light on the neglected but influential scholar, giving Biruni the recognition he deserves.

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