English / Uzbek / Turkish Dictionary

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Titel:      English / Uzbek / Turkish Dictionary
Kategorie:      KINDLE
BuchID:      2704
Autor:      John C. Rigdon
ISBN-10(13):      ASIN: B074JFXHS8
Verlag:      Eastern Digital Resources
Publikationsdatum:      08/2017
Seitenanzahl:      249
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

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This dictionary contains approximately 1400 terms in English, Uzbek and Turkish. It combines 3 of the top 50 languages of the world. With English at number 3, Turkish at number 22, and Uzbek at number 45, over 450 million people speak one of these 3 languages. 

Turkish (tur) is the most widely spoken of the Turkic languages, with around 10–15 million native speakers in Southeast Europe (mostly in East and Western Thrace) and 60–65 million native speakers in Western Asia (mostly in Anatolia). Outside of Turkey, significant smaller groups of speakers exist in Germany, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Northern Cyprus, Greece, the Caucasus, and other parts of Europe and Central Asia. Cyprus has requested that the European Union add Turkish as an official EU language, even though Turkey is not a member state.

Uzbek (ubk) is a Turkic language and the official language of Uzbekistan. It has 27 million native speakers and is spoken by the Uzbeks in Uzbekistan and elsewhere in Central Asia. Uzbek belongs to the Eastern Turkic, or Karluk, branch of the Turkic language family. The influence of Islam, and by extension, Arabic, is evident in Uzbek loanwords. There is also a residual influence of Russian, from the time when Uzbeks were under the rule of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. Uzbek vocabulary has also been heavily influenced by Persian through its historic roots.

This dictionary is derived from our Words R Us system, a derivative of WordNet. English Wordnet, originally created by Princeton University is a lexical database for the English language. It groups words in English into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides brief definitions and usage examples, and records a series of relationships between these sets of synonyms. WordNet can be viewed as both a combination of dictionary and thesaurus.

This dictionary will be indispensable for any international company doing business in Eurasia. We also publish a companion volume with definitions of the terms in English. Check our website for availability.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
John Rigdon has authored a number of books on the Civil War and is the manager of the web site, Research OnLine, (www.researchonline.net) the premier site for researching Civil War ancestors in the Civil War. His titles include the Historical Sketch and Roster Volumes (1100 plus titles) and a dozen volumes in the "We Fought" series focusing on particular battles and commanders. Additionally John works in translation focusing on languages with minority representation and maintains the site, www.wordsrus.info. John resides in the foothills of the Appalachians outside Cartersville, GA. where he enjoys gardening and aquaponics. You may reach him at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

-- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: paperback.

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