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Cover Titel Autor Bewertung Hits
cover Titel: Diverging Paths of Development in Central Asia Autor: Gu¨l Berna O¨zcan Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1587
cover Titel: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan Autor: Timur Dadabaev Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1615
cover Titel: Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia Autor: Madeleine-Reeves Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1651
cover Titel: GOLDEN GROWTH: Restoring the Lustre of the European Economic Model Autor: Indermit S. Gill, Martin Raiser, Andrea Mario Dallolio (Mitwirkende), Truman Packard (Mitwirkende), Kaspar Richter (Mitwirkende) Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1664
cover Titel: Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management Autor: Lothar Mueller, Abdulla Saparov Gunnar Lischeid Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1668
cover Titel: Green Finance and Investment Financing Climate Action in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia Autor: OECD Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1668
cover Titel: Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Autor: OECD Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1672
cover Titel: Financial Transition in Europe and Central Asia Autor: Alexander Fleming, Lajos Bokros, Cari Votava Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1672
cover Titel: Gray, C: Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth Autor: Cheryl Williamson Gray, Tracey M. Lane, Aristomene Varoudakis Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1673
cover Titel: Growing Green: The Economic Benefits of Climate Action Autor: Uwe Deichmann, Fan Zhang Bewertung: 0 Hits: 1675
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