
The rules Ort secrets of the Naqsbandi Order

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Titel:      The rules Ort secrets of the Naqsbandi Order
Kategorie:      Naqshbandi
BuchID:      382
Autor:      Omar Ali-Shah
ISBN-10(13):      978-2909347097
Verlag:      Tractus Books
Publikationsdatum:      08/1998
Seitenanzahl:      350
Sprache:      Nicht spezifiziert
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

This text presents the rules of the Naqshbandi order, an orthodox order commanded by A. Sayed, a descendant of the prophet Muhammad. 


WHY THE RULES EXIST The Naqshbandi rules have been translated and made available to you. They are a set of technical rules that govern measurement and assessment. You do not just read and learn them in order to put them on your bookshelf, you apply them consciously. If you follow them and use them in a spirit of investigation, and not in inquisitorial way, they will become a part of your thought and behaviour pattern.

ON SUPERSTITION, MAGIC & RITUAL A shadow is cast by something-therefore somewhere, there is an original shape or form. A reflexion in a looking glass, in a stream or in a bowl of water is a reflexion of something, so it is true, something must be there. But we should be concerned with what has cast the shadow, what light or what image caused the shadow, or what image caused the reflexion in that looking glass, stream, or bowl of water. If we continue-as some philosophers have-to concern ourselves with the nature of the shadow or the reflexion, rather than looking at what caused or gave its nature to the shadow, then we divert ourselves away from the mainstream activity.

ON ATTRACTION When like attracts like, when like meets like, you have the energization factor which takes place. Once that has been locked in, a person doesn't then freewheel, but they do feel a harmonic. That harmonic or echo is like homing onto a radar signal, it tells them that this is "something". But then, you have to work on it, you have to push it, you have to maintain the inner discipline.

SUFI LITERATURE They are books of behaviour, which not only contain instructions about terms of reference, but also give examples of certain situations and circumstances. That is why most of these books are broken up into a series of stories. Within the context of these stories, one inevitably sees that the subject or object of an activity is using certain ideas from, or thinking along certain lines in the Tradition... Most of these stories-which are like medieval morality tales-have a teaching or a lesson embedded in them. They usually show the search for what one might call approximate reality, in both a graphic way as well as in the form of subconscious transmission.

Born in 1922, Omar Ali-Shah is engaged in teaching the Sufi Tradition to over 2000 students, loosely organized in small groups throughout the western world. He is a Sayed(descendant of the Prophet Muhammed), lives and teaches in the West, and is the son of the Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, brother of the Sufi authors Idries Shah and Amina Shah, and his translations of Saadi's Gulistan and Omar Khaiyyam's Rubaiyyat(in cooperation with Robert Graves) revealed the sufic content of these books to the West. His other books are: The Course ot the Seeker, Sufism for Today, The Sufi Tradition in the West and Sufism as Therapy.

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