
Heating Equipment Uzbekistan Summary: 2021 Economic Recovery Impact on Revenues & Financials

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Titel:      Heating Equipment Uzbekistan Summary: 2021 Economic Recovery Impact on Revenues & Financials
Kategorie:      KINDLE
BuchID:      3131
Autor:      Uzbekistan Editorial DataGroup
ISBN-10(13):      ASIN: B08Y85CYM4
Publikationsdatum:      03/2021
Seitenanzahl:      225
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

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The Heating Equipment Uzbekistan eBook provides 7 years Historic and Forecast data on the market for each of the 76 Products / Services covered. The Products / Services covered (Heating equipment) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined and analysed by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (180 items: Historic and Forecast Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for Uzbekistan.

There are 76 Products/Services covered, including: 


1. Heating equipment (exc. warm air furnaces) manufactures

2. Cast iron heating boilers, radiators & convectors, exc. parts

3. Cast iron boilers & radiators & aluminum & other nonferrous metal radiators & convectors, incl. baseboard & finned tube type, residential, industrial & special type (excl electric)

4. Gas-fired cast iron boilers, excl parts

5. Other cast iron boilers, excl electric & parts

6. Cast iron & steel radiators & convectors, excl parts

7. Aluminum & other nonferrous metal radiators & convectors, incl baseboard & finned tube type, residential, industrial & special type (excl electric & parts)

8. Cast iron heating boilers, radiators & convectors, exc. parts, nsk

9. Domestic heating stoves, exc. electric (excl parts)

10. Heating stoves

11. Gas (all types) domestic heating stoves, incl vented & unvented circulators, radiants & laundry stoves (excl parts)

12. Coal, kerosene, gasoline & fuel oil domestic heating stoves (excl parts)

13. Freestanding wood fireplaces & domestic heating stoves (all types), incl circulating & radiants (excl parts)

14. Wood pellet fuel-burning domestic heaters (excl parts)

15. Heat exchangers & zero clearance (factory built) domestic wood fireplaces

16. Domestic wood fireplace inserts

17. Coal, kerosene, gasoline & fuel oil domestic heating stoves (excl parts)

18. Freestanding wood fireplaces & domestic heating stoves (all types), incl circulating & radiants (excl parts)

19. Wood pellet fuel-burning domestic heaters (excl parts)

20. Heat exchangers & zero clearance (factory built) domestic wood fireplaces

21. Domestic wood fireplace inserts

22. Domestic heating stoves, exc. electric (excl parts), nsk

23. Steel heating boilers (15 psi or less) & all hot water heating boilers (exc. electric), excl parts

24. Steel heating boilers

25. Steel heating boilers (15 p.s.i. or less) & all hot water heating boilers (exc. electric), excl parts, 400,000 Btu per hour or less

26. Steel heating boilers (15 p.s.i. or less) & all hot water heating boilers (exc. electric), excl parts, 400,001 Btu per hour or more, incl scotch type & horizontal fire box

27. Steel heating boilers (15 p.s.i. or less) & all hot water heating boilers, excl parts, nsk

28. Floor & wall furnaces, unit heaters, infrared heaters & mechanical stokers (exc. electric)

29. Floor & wall furnaces, unit heaters, gas-fired infrared heaters & mechanical stokers, incl parts

30. Floor & wall furnaces (gas & oil)

31. Gas-fired unit heaters, 400,000 Btu per hour or less

32. Steam or hot water heating element, centrifugal fan-type (blower) & propeller fan-type unit heaters (exc. electric)

33. Gas-fired infrared heaters

34. Mechanical stokers (exc. electric)

35. Parts for floor & wall furnaces, unit heaters, gas-fired infrared heaters & mechanical stokers

36. Floor & wall furnaces, unit heaters, infrared heaters & mechanical stokers, nsk

37. Other heating equipment, exc. electric (incl parts for nonelectric heating equipment & oil burners)

38. Oil burners

39. Parts & attachments for oil burners

40. Gas burners & gas conversion burners (incl parts), 400,000 Btu per hour or less

41. Gas burners & gas conversion burners (incl parts), 400,001 Btu per hour or more

/.. etc.

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