
Islamic Geometric Patterns

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Titel:      Islamic Geometric Patterns
Kategorie:      Architektur
BuchID:      582
Autor:      Eric Broug
ISBN-10(13):      978-0500287217
Verlag:      Thames & Hudson Ltd
Publikationsdatum:      05/2008
Seitenanzahl:      120
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

(Book & CD-ROM)

Geometric patterns are perhaps the most recognizable visual expressions of Islamic art and architecture, magnificent in their beauty and awe-inspiring in their execution. Now, with the aid of this book, anyone can learn how to master this ancient art and create intricate patterns or re-create classic examples. An introduction guides the reader through the basics, and is followed by some of the best examples of geometric patterns from around the world, arranged into three levels of complexity, with careful, step-by-step instructions taking the reader through the stages of composition. This book also includes a CD-ROM, allowing you to experiment with Islamic geometric patterns on the computer.

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