
The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia

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Titel:      The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia
Kategorie:      Geschichte
BuchID:      1481
Autor:      Bakhtiyar A Nazarov, Denis Sinor
ISBN-10(13):      978-0521243049
Verlag:      Cambridge University Press
Publikationsdatum:      03/1990
Seitenanzahl:      532
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

This volume introduces the geographical setting of Central Asia and follows its history from the palaeolithic era to the rise of the Mongol empire in the thirteenth century. From earliest times Central Asia linked and separated the great sedentary civilisations of Europe and Asia. In the pre-modern period 'Inner Asia' was definable more as a cultural than a geographical entity, its frontiers shifting according to the changing balances of power. Written by distinguished international scholars who have pioneered the exploration of Central Asia's poorly documented past, this volume discusses chronologically the varying historical achievements of the disparate population groups in the region.

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