
Travels with Chap

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Titel:      Travels with Chap
Kategorie:      KINDLE
BuchID:      2434
Autor:      Michael Munger
ISBN-10(13):      ASIN: B00XXBRM40
Seitenanzahl:      192
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

From Siberia to Samarkand (with over 90 color photos)

Ausgabe KINDLE

An unconventional father and his equally unconventional son embark on a quirky and impulse driven trip across Asia, starting with back-packing along stunning Lake Baikal in Siberia and ending with explorations of the giant mosques of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. A playful narrative combines with over 90 color photos of exotic locales to produce a most unusual travelogue and a tale of father and son having a whole lot of fun while reaffirming their bonds.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Mike is a retired Psychologist and sometime flamenco guitarist. With dual Canadian/American citizenship, he currently lives in Toronto. Ontario, occasionally traveling to New Orleans to visit his children and grand-children. Starting with no woodworking skills whatsoever, he is building a flamenco guitar replete with many false starts accompanied by strident screeching.

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