
Handlist of Sufi manuscripts (18th-20th centuries)

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Titel:      Handlist of Sufi manuscripts (18th-20th centuries)
Kategorie:      Religion und Glaube
BuchID:      1413
Autor:      Jürgen Paul
ISBN-10(13):      978-3879976119
Verlag:      Klaus Schwarz Verlag
Publikationsdatum:      09/2019
Seitenanzahl:      236
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

in the holdings of the Oriental Institute Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan (Biruni)

Handlist Sufi Manuscripts (18th - 20th centuries) in the holdings of the Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan

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