
Tombs of Paradise

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Titel:      Tombs of Paradise
Kategorie:      Architektur
BuchID:      2164
Autor:      Jean Soustiel
ISBN-10(13):      978-2903824433
Verlag:      Editions d'Art Monelle
Publikationsdatum:      01/2004
Seitenanzahl:      264
Sprache:      Deutsch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

The Shah-e Zende in Samarkand and Architectural Ceramics of Central Asia

The necropolis of Shah-e Zende represents a summit in the art of ceramic wall coverings in the Islamic world. Perched on a steep cliff overlooking the ancient city of Samarkand, today the ghost town of Afrasiyab, the necropolis remains largely unknown to art historians and the general public.

As Shah-e Zende offers a microcosm of the technical evolution of ceramic arts in Central Asia between the 12th and 15th centuries, this work ec

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