
Central Asia in the Era of Sovereignty: The Return of Tamerlane?

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Titel:      Central Asia in the Era of Sovereignty: The Return of Tamerlane?
Kategorie:      Zentralasien
BuchID:      1360
Autor:      Daniel L. Burghart, Theresa Sabonis-helf
ISBN-10(13):      978-1498572668
Verlag:      Central Asia in the Era of Sovereignty: The Return of Tamerlane?
Publikationsdatum:      03/2018
Seitenanzahl:      546
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover           Button Buy now [ONLINE-SHOP]

Contemporary Central Asia: Societies, Politics, and Cultures

This collection provides a broad analysis of social, political, economic, and security issues in contemporary Central Asia. In particular, the contributors highlight the differences and similarities among the region’s states in how they have consolidated statehood since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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