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Cover Titel Autor Bewertung Hits
cover  A History of the Islamic World 600-1800 Jo Van Steenbergen 0   2096
cover  A la rencontre d'Ibn Sina, le Prince des savants le Prince des savants A la rencontre d'Ibn Sina 0   4660
cover  A Library of the World's Best Literature - Ancient and Modern - Vol. XIX Charles Dudley Warner 0   5150
cover  A Medical History of Persia and the Eastern Caliphate Cyril Elgood 0   6340
cover  A Museum In The Open G. A. Pugachenkova 0   5259
cover  A Musical Journey - Russia/ Ukraine/ Uzbekistan Mussorgsky/ Borodin 0   5261
cover  A Nineteenth Century Description of Eastern Turkestan George Timkowski, Julius Heinrich Klaproth 0   2240
cover  A Peace to End All Peace David Fromkin, David De Vries (Redakteur) 0   2532
cover  A Peace to End All Peace David-Fromkin 0   1737
cover  A Political Chronology of Central, South and East Asia IIan Preston 0   2080