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  • Sie sind hier:
  • Organisation
  • The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law

Law Affecting Civil Society

1126 16th Street NW, Suite 400 , 20036, Washington

Tel.: +1 202-452-8600 Fax: +1 202-452-8555
Typ: Organisation
  • Weitere Informationen

ICNL works throughout Asia to empower local partners in addressing civic space issues. Through a 2017 report - The Law Affecting Civil Society in Asia, ICNL notes that “the dominant trend in Asia is clear: government regulatory controls on civil society are becoming increasingly restrictive, particularly for advocacy and other groups engaged in independent civil society activity.” Much of ICNL’s work is therefore focused on helping partners defend civic space more effectively. At the same time, enabling progress is possible, as demonstrated by achievements in countries from Afghanistan to Myanmar to Sri Lanka.

We come from virtually every continent, and we share a vision in which individuals are empowered to improve their everyday lives. We seek a legal environment that strengthens civil society, advances the freedoms of association and assembly, fosters philanthropy, and enables public participation around the world.

Guiding Principles
In our work, we are committed to the following core values:
• ICNL has a global mandate, and our work is demand-driven.
• We seek to serve as a resource, supporting — rather than supplanting — local expertise.
• Reform should result from an indigenous, transparent, participatory processes.
• Our assistance should be informed by international law and best practice.
• Our programs incorporate public participation and promote consensus-building.
• We foster diversity among our Advisory Council, Board, staff, and partners. In addition,  ICNL’s work is independent, analytic, professional, and non-partisan.

Through our work, ICNL intends to:
• Empower local stakeholders;
• Facilitate cross-border philanthropy;
• Develop the analytic basis for our work; and
• Foster global norms and multilateral engagement.

Asia and the Pacific Program • Online Library

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Uzbekistan Strategie 2017 - 2021


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Bundesweite Notfallnummern

Polizei / Notruf 110
Feuerwehr / Rettungsdienst 112
Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst 116 117
Verband Deutscher Druckkammerzentren e.V. 0800 000 488 1
Telefonseelsorge 0800 111 0 111, 0800 111 0 222
Hilfetelefon Schwangere in Not - anonym und sicher 0800 40 40 020
Kinder- und Jugendtelefon 116 111
Sperr-Notruf (Karten & elektronische Berechtigungen) 116 116
Behördenruf 115
Elterntelefon 0800 111 0550