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NGO non-governmental organization

, Paris

Typ: Organisation
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ACTED Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique Et au Développement

Founded in 1994, ACTED is a non-governmental organization with headquarters in Paris, France. Independent, private and nonprofit, ACTED has strict political and religious impartiality, and operates following principles of non-discrimination, transparency, according to its core values: responsibility, impact, enterprising-spirit and inspiration.
ACTED endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential.

ACTED is active in 35 countries and implements more than 450 projects a year reaching over 11 million beneficiaries with more than 300 international staff and more than 4,300 national staff.


ACTED has started developing its activities in Uzbekistan in 1999 and to date remains one of the few International NGOs active across the country. ACTED has been active in the fields of food security, livelihoods, economic development, conflict mitigation, local governance, capacity building of civil society organisations, shelter and infrastructure, microfinance, health education, reproductive health care and water and sanitation. ACTED's programmes in Uzbekistan are particularly focused on marginalized groups in rural areas and the local civil society.

European Commission

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Deutsche Botschaft Taschkent

Amtsbezirk/ Konsularbezirk USBEKISTAN



Aeronautic Airline Services GmbH

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TEZ PARCEL GmbH …all inclusive Lieferservice von Deutschland nach Usbekistan!

Usbekisch-Deutsche Freundschaftsgesellschaft

Freundschaftsgesellschaft „Usbekistan-Deutschland“

Succow Stiftung

Gemeinnützige Naturschutzstiftung; Erhalten und Haushalten

Bundesweite Notfallnummern

Polizei / Notruf 110
Feuerwehr / Rettungsdienst 112
Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst 116 117
Verband Deutscher Druckkammerzentren e.V. 0800 000 488 1
Telefonseelsorge 0800 111 0 111, 0800 111 0 222
Hilfetelefon Schwangere in Not - anonym und sicher 0800 40 40 020
Kinder- und Jugendtelefon 116 111
Sperr-Notruf (Karten & elektronische Berechtigungen) 116 116
Behördenruf 115
Elterntelefon 0800 111 0550