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NEW eVisa for Uzbekistan

  • Weitere Informationen *


Englisch | Deutsch | Französisch | Italienisch | Niederländisch | Polnisch | Spanisch


• General

• What is an eVISA

• Introducing: Uzbekistan´s eVISA

• How to apply

Visit beautiful Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan has become a popular tourist destination in recent years and is visited annually by countless tourists from all over the world. A lot has happened in Uzbekistan since the end of the Soviet Union. Especially as a tourist one gets to feel the openness of the country in many ways positively. Culturally, culinarily and historically Uzbekistan has a lot to offer, the friendly and open people who live here are happy about tourists and like to show why your home is so unique. A particular advantage that can still be enjoyed when visiting Uzbekistan today is the peace and quiet. Mass tourism has not yet discovered Uzbekistan and so one can still get an unadulterated, authentic impression of Uzbekistan. Until spring 2018, entering Uzbekistan and applying for an Uzbekistan visa was still comparatively difficult for most tourists.

Although the website of the immigration authority has been offering an “e-visa” for some years now, the digital nature of this visa was limited solely to filling in the application form on the website of the authority. Afterwards the form had to be printed out, signed and handed in at the responsible Uzbek embassy together with a photo and a passport. After some processing time, the visa was usually stamped into the passport. The introduction of a full-fledged electronic visa for Uzbekistan has drastically reduced the effort. The application for an Uzbekistan eVisa can now be completed and submitted completely online. All communication with the authority takes place via email. The positive effects of these simplified entry conditions are also driving Uzbekistan’s tourism. More and more people are visiting this unique, likeable country. On this page we have collected a lot of information on the subject, so applying for an eVisa for Uzbekistan should not be a problem and nothing more stands in the way of your trip.

* is a private website project that follows the intention of helping travellers to better understand the entry permit regulations of Uzbekistan. This website is not connected or affiliated to any Uzbek government authority. and its creators ar not liable for any outdated or mistakenly false informtion. The purpose of this website is pure informative and the editors and owners of this website are dedicated to assure up to date and valid information.

NEW Application eVISA
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Amtsbezirk/ Konsularbezirk USBEKISTAN

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Freundschaftsgesellschaft „Usbekistan-Deutschland“



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