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  • MTP Management Training Programme

MTP Management Training Programme

MTP Management Training Programme

Capacity Building for Small and Medium Enterprise Management in Uzbekistan

Amir Temur street, avenue 4 , 100047, Tashkent

Tel.: 99871-233-5901 Fax: 99871-233-2209
Typ: Dienstleister
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Management Trainings Programme (MTP)

The Project MTP aims to strengthen the human capital across the Uzbek managerial community placing particular emphasis on Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME). Its vision is to improve the performance of the SME sector in Uzbekistan and consequently contribute to the growth of GDP and employment rate.

“Management Training Programme (MTP) – Capacity Building for SME Management in Uzbekistan” is funded by the European Union and will be executed by a consortium led by European Profiles S.A., Greece, which also includes WYG International Limited, United Kingdom, CCI Paris Ile-de-France, France, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce (BCI), United Kingdom,PLANET S.A., Greece, and Anticrisis Management Consulting (AMC), Uzbekistan.

The specific objective of the Project in Uzbekistan is to increase the amount of qualified and competent entrepreneurs and managers (human capital) who are able to effectively start up and manage local SMEs and to ensure their sustainable development in a long term perspective, which, in turn, will promote business development in Uzbekistan.

During the training and internships in EU companies Uzbek managers will be able to exchange experience with their EU colleagues, learn about modern management methods, and get acquainted with European business culture. Uzbek companies will have the chance to build up a network with new EU business partners, increase their competitiveness and business performance and bring international business cooperation in Uzbekistan to a new level.

About the project

Management Training Programme (MTP)
Address: 100047, Amir Temur street, avenue 4,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel: (99871) 233-5901
Fax: (99871) 233-2209
e-mail: mtp(at)
Web site:

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan
Address: 100047, Amir Temur street, avenue 4,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel: (99871) 150-6000
Fax: +998 71 232-0903
e-mail: info(at)
Web site:

European Profiles S.A.
Address: 40 Vatatzi Street, 114 72
Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 82 10 895
Fax: +30 210 82 54 021
e-mail: epmail(at)
Web site:

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