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Yello Pages

Yello Pages

Products and services

1/1, Tollimarjon street , 100105, Tashkent

Tel.: (99871) 2833632
Typ: Auskunft
  • Weitere Informationen

«YELLOW PAGES» (LLC) company began its activity in Uzbekistan in 1995.

«YELLOW PAGES» is a famous and useful trade mark in the almost entire world.
Projects of «YELLOW PAGES» trade mark in Uzbekistan are: «YELLOW PAGES UZBEKISTAN», «YELLOW PAGES TASHKENT», «MIR USLUG» directories, web-site and «1059» Reference phone service.

Products and services, allowed by company, are aimed to the different audience of information users.

«YELLOW PAGES UZBEKISTAN» directory book (drawing 10 000 copies, A4 format, it is published annually in IV quarter of the year) aimed on goods and services end-users.  It’s oriented to the business part of the population and commercial structures; it contains the comprehensive information about enterprises, organizations, their goods and services along Uzbekistan. Arrangement of advertising material and information in this publication gives possibility for the companies to draw attention to their activity of potential investors, partners and users. Directory book has its appendixes: «Tashkent city - Republic of Uzbekistan» map and «e-Directory» electronic version.

Foreign companies | Advertising, polygraphy | Banks and business | Building and construction | Chemical industry | Education | Equipment | Furniture | Hotels and tourism | Information technology | Legal services | Light industry | Medicine | Oil and gas industry | Personal services | Public utilities | Restaurants and cafe | Tools | 

Administrative institutions | Agricultural | Bodyguards services | Cars | Computers and office | Energy and measuring | Food industry | Goods | House technics | Inquiry services | Leisure and recreation | Mass media | Minerals | Paking | Post and communication | Representations | Scientific organizations | Transport |

Location der Fimra nicht definiert

Empfohlener Webservice

Succow Stiftung

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Usbekisch-Deutsche Freundschaftsgesellschaft

Freundschaftsgesellschaft „Usbekistan-Deutschland“


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Amtsbezirk/ Konsularbezirk USBEKISTAN

Bundesweite Notfallnummern

Polizei / Notruf 110
Feuerwehr / Rettungsdienst 112
Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst 116 117
Verband Deutscher Druckkammerzentren e.V. 0800 000 488 1
Telefonseelsorge 0800 111 0 111, 0800 111 0 222
Hilfetelefon Schwangere in Not - anonym und sicher 0800 40 40 020
Kinder- und Jugendtelefon 116 111
Sperr-Notruf (Karten & elektronische Berechtigungen) 116 116
Behördenruf 115
Elterntelefon 0800 111 0550